Where can I buy a key for a gumball or candy machine?
Do you have an old gumball or candy vending machine that you've lost the key and want to buy a replacement? It happens all the time.
Types of Vending Machine Keys
The first thing you need to know is that there is no such thing as a universal key that will open all machines. The most common vending machine keys are either tubular or flat.
The tubular version, sometimes referred to as a barrel key, has a hollow, cylindrical shaft with grooves of varying length cut into the exterior surface at the end of the shaft. These grooves cause the pins in the lock to slide to the end of the groove and open the lock.
The flat key looks like your typical house key and can have teeth on one or two sides, the latter being more secure.
Where to Buy a Replacement Key
Vending machine manufacturers have many versions of lock and key sets and they assign key codes to distributors and end users randomly across the country. This practice is to prevent route operators in the same area from having the same key. How'd you like it if your competitor "serviced" your machine and cleaned out your hard earned cash each month?
Ok, here's the good news. If you happen to know the manufacturer of your machine AND know the "key code" that was stamped ON the key (not the lock), then you might be in luck. The following manufacturers sell individual keys without locks:
- Carousel - no longer produced and now considered an antique. Shop ebay
- Wizard Spiral Gumball Machines - click to buy
- Northwestern
If you don't know the "key code" then you will be forced to drill out the lock (click for instructions on how to do this). Unfortunately, the number stamped on the lock face is not useful and will not help you determine which key code is required. We offer a comprehensive selection of gumball and candy machine lock and key sets, click the link to shop.
i need a barrel key NWC5
We have a key stamped 0025. It’s for a candy vending machine with 8 different compartments for candy. 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.
The key is small rounded top and teeth on both sides. Right now I don’t know the name of the machine (Do I need that?) How do I get another key?
Thank you, Susie
I have a northwestern 33 peanut machine, but no key for the bottom to retreive the pennies. The lock has PCA stamped on it. Any ideas as to where I can get a key?
I need a key for gum ball machine
We lost the key to our 25-year-old Northwestern gumball machine when our house flooded. We’d love to find a key so we don’t have to drill out the lock but I have no idea what the key # was. Any help or ideas would be appreciated!