LIVE SEXY with Custom Gumballs
If you've ever been to France, you might have heard of a little area called the Champs-Élysées. It's pretty fantastic, with over a mile of wonderful shopping. Recently the Sephora in that part of the world threw a party- something they apparently do often. JimmyJane Inc., a company out of San Francisco is currently throwing a promotion there through the end of next week, giving away free hand massages at their beauty bars and showing off their product line. Part of their promotion included gumballs from - white, pink, and red gumballs, all imprinted with JIMMYJANE and LIVE SEXY on them. This is a great promotional idea! Here are a few photos:
This simple, fun promotional idea is attention grabbing and makes customers in the store stop and look. The gumballs are flying out of the machine- over 10,000 gumballs started out in the machine and are dispensing by the handful. Sweet idea!
Custom gumballs make a great promotional gift or wedding favor. Having your company's logo printed on any of the 1" gumballs is creative and breaks through the clutter in the world of media and advertising. JimmyJane Inc. chose this creative method and it worked.
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