How To Fix the Lock Screw of a Carousel Gumball Machine

The Top Lock of My Gumball Machine Won’t Screw Down OR It's Tight But the Lid is Still Loose

This guide was designed specifically for the Carousel brand gumball machine but the principles outlined here can be applied to repairing a professional grade gumball machine with a center rod.

Required Tools: key or flathead screwdriver PLUS a pair of pliers. 

The following scenarios are covered in these step-by-step instructions:

Situation A: The top lock on my gumball machine just spins and won't tighten.

This issue occurs when the lock will not attach to the center rod running up through the middle of the machine. The height of this center rod must be raised/increased slightly so the lock can thread on.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Situation B:  The top lock on my gumball machine is tightened all the way down but the cap is loose and will not secure to the globe

When the center rod is too high, the cover is placed too far up to be secured onto the globe.  The height of this center rod must be lowered/decreased slightly so the lid can properly attach.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions


Step 1:

Situation A:  Proceed to complete steps 2-21.

Situation B: Using the key or a flathead screwdriver, turn the screw lock counterclockwise until the top lock spins freely.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 2:  Remove screw lock and remove the lid from the glass globe.

 Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 3:  Empty the gumballs or candy inside the machine into a container.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 4: Reach inside the machine, unscrew and remove the nut above the spider ring, turning counterclockwise with pliers and/or by hand. 

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 5: Remove the spider ring and top gasket

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 6: Carefully lift the glass globe off machine.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 7: Remove the brush-off plate and bottom gasket.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 8: Remove the gum/candy dispensing wheel.

 Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 9: Remove the coin mechanism by sliding up off the body.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 10: Use pliers to turn the nut located on bottom of the center rod counterclockwise until it is loose. Keep turning it until it's raised about 1/4 of an inch off the base.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 11: You should now be able to turn the center rod by hand, follow the appropriate instructions below that match your scenario:

Situation A: With your finger turn the center rod  counterclockwise to raise it

Situation B: With your finger turn the center rod clockwise to lower it

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 12: Once center rod is in desired position, use pliers to tighten the nut clockwise to secure it back into place.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 13: Slip coin mechanism back into place.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 14: Position dispensing wheel as pictured, with the pie shaped opening over the gum & candy chute.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 15: Replace brush plate and gasket like so:

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 16: Carefully place the globe back on machine.

 Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 17: Place the top gasket and spider ring on the machine.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 18: Reach inside the machine, screw in the nut above the spider ring, turning clockwise with pliers and/or by hand. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN, as this may cause the globe to shatter.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 19: For those with gumballs or candy, fill your machine back up.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 20: Use flathead screwdriver to turn screw lock clockwise in order to tighten it.  DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN, as this may cause the globe to shatter.

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions

Step 21:
Enjoy your gumball machine

Carousel Gumball Machine Instructions